A Wevo, Padrino - Mario Gonzalez Suarez

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Mario Gonzalez Suarez

Product Overview

Titulo: A Wevo, Padrino - Mario Gonzalez Suarez

Autor: Mario Gonzalez Suarez

Editorial: Mondadori

Lenguaje: Español

ISBN13: 9789708104838

Reseña:  Narrated in first person by an alcoholic loquacious taxi driver that was born in Guadalajara but decides to move to Mazachsetz (Mazatln) following his beautiful wife (Lucy). Not knowing what fate had in stake for him he goes to the El chapo tavern for some drinks. There he meets the capo Jaime Cullar one of those old high school peers that one never wants to see ever again potential criminals whose fruit will mature without difficulties. With this encounter that ends in a shooting the story actually begins an adventure and epic tale at the same time. The main characters life gives an overturn. As a result from being in the wrong place he will become Cullars accomplice and he soon will enter his habitat: drug trafficking lots of money endless ambition betrayal death trucks fogones matracas morras grifa and a blatant complicity with all type of authorities (civil and military) from Mexico City to Sinaloa Sonora Baja California and even the United States. Narrada en primera persona por un taxista dipsmano y locuaz originario de Guadalajara pero que decide mudarse a Mazachsetz (Mazatln) por seguir a su hermosa mujer (Lucy). Sin saber lo que el destino le tena preparado visita la cantina El chapo para tomar unos tragos y ah se encuentra con el capo Jaime Cullar uno de esos antiguos compaeros de prepa que uno jams desea volver a ver delincuentes en potencia cuyo fruto madurar sin dificultades. Con este encuentro que termina en balacera comienza en realidad la historia a la vez pica y de aventuras. La vida del protagonista da un vuelco. Por estar en el lugar equivocado se har cmplice de Cullar y entrar pronto en su hbitat: trfico de drogas mucho dinero desmedida ambicin traicin y una rampante complicidad con todo tipo de autoridades (civiles y militares)


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