Antes De Decir Adios

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Spencer-Wendel, Susan

Product Overview

Titulo: Antes De Decir Adios

Autor: Spencer-Wendel, Susan

Editorial: Oceano

Lenguaje: Español

ISBN13: 9786078303021

Reseña: In June 2011 Susan Spencer- Wendel learned that she had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrigs disease an irreversible disease that systematically destroys the nerve cells that control the muscles. She was forty-four years old with a loving husband and three young sons and she only had one year left of mobility. Susan decided to live that year happily. She left her job as a journalist in order to spend time with her family. She made seven different trips with the seven most important people in her life. And she wrote this book typed out letter by letter on her iPhone only using her right thumb the only finger that was still functioning. This is a book that at times is obviously sad but also full of hope optimism a joy for life and a sense of humor. This is a book a book that focuses on life not on death. It is a book that will like Susan make you smile.


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