Tumors And Tumor-like Lesions Of Bone: For Surgical Patholo

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Peso chileno
Santini araujo, Eduardo

Product Overview

Titulo: Tumors And Tumor-like Lesions Of Bone: For Surgical Patholo

Autor: Santini araujo, Eduardo


Lenguaje: Inglés

ISBN13: 9781447165774

Reseña:  This book provides essential internationally applicable information in the area of orthopedic pathology with emphasis on practical diagnostic aspects including many illustrations: roentgenograms CT-scans MRI scintigraphies as well as pictures of gross surgical specimens and microphotographs immunohistochemical reactions and genomics. Information on histopathological and molecular diagnosis and basic therapeutic guidelines are provided. This book offers generous coverage of epidemiology clinical features radiology pathology differential diagnosis and treatment not only for common lesions but also those less frequently encountered. Clues in the images and histopathology needed to arrive at a sharp differential diagnosis are discussed. The content is arranged based on the World Health Organizations Consensus Classification with the addition of other lesions not included therein. Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions of Bone is aimed at general and specialised surgical pathologists radiologists orthopedic surgeons and oncologists in practice and in training.


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