Caminos A Lo Absoluto - John Golding

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Mexican Peso
John Golding
Fondo de Cultura Económica

Product Overview

Titulo: Caminos A Lo Absoluto - John Golding

Autor: John Golding

Editorial: Fondo de Cultura Económica

Lenguaje: Español

ISBN: 9789681671143

Reseña:  Seldom has an art movement been so misunderstood yet so instrumental in shaping the direction of art in many ways as has abstract art. In this series of lectures distinguished art historian and critic John Golding brings to life an often-disconcerting subject. By exploring the works and concerns of three pioneering European abstract painters--Mondrian Malevich Kandinsky--followed by those of their American successors Pollock Newman Rothko and Still Golding shows how each artist sought to see the world and communicate his vision in the purest or most expressive form possible. Through a blend of biography art analysis and cultural history Paths to the Absolute offers remarkable insights into how a sense of purpose is achieved in painting and how abstractionism engaged with the intellectual currents of its time.


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