Cornudos Del Viejo Arte Moderno, Los

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Uruguayan Peso
Dali, Salvador
Tusquets Editores

Product Overview

Titulo: Cornudos Del Viejo Arte Moderno, Los

Autor: Dali, Salvador

Editorial: Tusquets Editores

Lenguaje: Español

ISBN13: 9788483109359

Reseña: During the 1950s Dali was worried with the way art critics dutifully remained under the dictatorship of the artistic vanguards in particular the most modern movement: abstract art. He made his opinions about art criticism and art critics known in articles in diaries and in texts full of irony such as Los cornudos del viejo arte moderno. As far as Dali was concerned ever since art critics married old modern painting it had not ceased to cheat on them: with ugliness with technique and with abstract art. Dali wrote this text in French in 1956 during one of his Atlantic travels and it was published in that same year in France from which this edition was translated.


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