El Quinto En Discordia - Davies Robertson

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Davies Robertson

Product Overview

Titulo: El Quinto En Discordia - Davies Robertson

Autor: Davies Robertson


Lenguaje: Español

ISBN: 9788493431563

Reseña:  The mysterious death of Canadian magnate Boy Staunton serves as the backdrop for this story narrated by his childhood friend Dunstan Ramsay a man who will have to face his own life story in order to make sense of the circumstances surrounding his friend s death. From the very beginning of his tale Ramsay casts a mystical and not completely innocuous influence over those around him and seemingly innocent actions will later be revealed as significant events in others lives. Although it can be read independently this novel is the first and most celebrated installment of The Deptford Trilogy.Alrededor de la misteriosa muerte del magnate canadiense Boy Staunton se teje la trama de esta novela narrada por su amigo de la infancia Dunstan Ramsay quien al intentar aclarar las circunstancias de su muerte no tendra mas remedio que enfrentarse al relato de su propia vida. Desde el principio de su historia Ramsay ejerce una influencia mistica y no del todo inocua en quienes lo rodean y acciones que aparentan ser inocentes se revelaran como acontecimientos decisivos en las vidas de otros. Aunque puede ser leida independientemente esta novela es elprimer y mas celebrado libro de la Trilogia de Deptford.


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