Exito A Traves Del Fracaso, El - Petroski Henry

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Petroski Henry
Fondo de Cultura Económica

Product Overview

Titulo: Exito A Traves Del Fracaso, El - Petroski Henry

Autor: Petroski Henry

Editorial: Fondo de Cultura Económica

Lenguaje: Español

ISBN: 9786071606181

Reseña:  Success through Failure shows us that making something better--by carefully anticipating and thus averting failure--is what invention and design are all about. Petroski explores the nature of invention and the character of the inventor through an unprecedented range of both everyday and extraordinary examples--illustrated lectures child-resistant packaging for drugs national constitutions medical devices the worlds tallest skyscrapers long-span bridges and more. Stressing throughout that there is no surer road to eventual failure than modeling designs solely on past successes he sheds new light on spectacular failures from the destruction of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940 and the space shuttle disasters of recent decades to the collapse of the World Trade Center in 2001.


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