Historia De Un Niñito Bueno Historia De Un Niñito Malo

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Peso chileno
Twain, Mark
Fondo De Cult.Econ.Mexico

Product Overview

Titulo: Historia De Un Niñito Bueno Historia De Un Niñito Malo

Autor: Twain, Mark

Editorial: Fondo De Cult.Econ.Mexico

Lenguaje: Español

ISBN13: 9789681673482

Reseña:  Jacob Blivens is a good little boy who always behaves exactly the way he is supposed to and Jim is a boy who does everything that causes boys in the books in Sunday school to come to a bad end but things never work out for them the way they do in those books.Jacob Blivens is a good boy who behaves the way he is supposed to and Jim is a boy who does everything that causes boys in the books in Sunday school to come to a bad end but things never work out for them the way they do in those books.


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