Medicina China Practica, Susan Wei, Robin Book

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Susan Wei
Robin Book (C)

Product Overview

Titulo: Medicina China Practica, Susan Wei, Robin Book

Autor: Susan Wei

Editorial: Robin Book (C)

Lenguaje: Español

ISBN13: 9788499173092

Reseña:  One of the primary goals of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is to apply a series of basic practices and theories toward developing a holistic method of treatment that takes the entire body into account as well as how a disease manifests and how it responds to environmental factors. This guide describes some of the most important remedies employed by Chinese medicine in an effort to restore a patients health and well-being and offers a catalog of common illnesses and their possible treatments. Among the topics discussed are yin and yang and the five elements how TCM specialists diagnosis illnesses some of the fundamental practices of TCM including acupuncture dietetics and phytotherapy and physical practices such as tai chi and qigong. This book seeks to be an essential resource for any readers interested in addressing a range of common maladies in a natural and comprehensive way.


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