My Madder Fatter Diary Vol.2

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Earl, Rae
Hodder Education

Product Overview

Titulo: My Madder Fatter Diary Vol.2

Autor: Earl, Rae

Editorial: Hodder Education

Lenguaje: Inglés Internacional

ISBN13: 9781444754285

Reseña: RAES BACK! But now its 1990. The Berlin wall is down and the Happy Mondays are up really up but the new decades brought new mortifications for Rae Earl and shes MADDER and FATTER than ever. About to enter the most important year of her life - her actual bloody A Level year - everyone expects her to concentrate on schoolwork but how can she when Haddocks backside is still a national treasure and revision at home is just NOT HAPPENING! Its hell outside the house too if hell was in Stamford Lincolnshire and punishment for sins was a fiery eternity of awkwardness. In My Madder Fatter Diary Rae reveals her real-life teenage diary once again transporting us to a Britain instantly recognisable to those who remember Bryan Adams at the top of the charts and anybody whos been eighteen and agonisingly embarrassed by EVERYTHING. Its wet-your-knickers hilarious. Its blub-your-eyes-out sad. Its the touching romantic MAD FAT story of what happened next.


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