Afuera - Mari Kanstad Johnsen

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Colombian Peso
Mari Kanstad Johnsen
Niño Editor

Product Overview

Titulo: Afuera - Mari Kanstad Johnsen

Autor: Mari Kanstad Johnsen

Editorial: Niño Editor

Lenguaje: Español

ISBN13: 9789569569111

Reseña: Table of Contents 1. Choosing the parts 1. D ecisions Decisions Decisions 1. What am I going to use my new computer for? 2. Can I use any of the parts from my old computer? 2. C ore Components 1. Chassis (Case) & Power Supply 2. CPU (Processor) 3. Motherboard 4. RAM (Memory) 1. Labeling of RAM 5. Hard Drive 3. S econdary Components 1. Graphics Card 2. CD/DVD 3. Floppy Drive 4. Sound Card 5. Modem 4. P eripherals 1. Keyboard & Mouse 2. Printer & Scanner 3. Monitor 4. Speakers 2. B uilding the physical computer 1. P reparation 1. Safety Precautions 2. Construction 1. Motherboard and Power Supply 2. CPU 3. RAM 4. Graphics Card 5. Drives 6. Expansions and Connections 7. Power Up 3. C hoosing and installing the computers software 1. O perating Systems 1. Installing Windows 2. Installing Linux 2. Security 3. Drivers 4. S oftware 1. Windows 2. Linux 4. O ptimizing and Overclocking Your New Computer 1. O verclocking 1. Things that cant be overclocked 2. Components 3. Getting the few extra MHz out of a chip 5. Conclusion 6. Noted Contributors


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