Choices Pre-intermediate Workbook - Pearson

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Product Overview

Titulo: Choices Pre-intermediate Workbook - Pearson

Autor: Pearson

Editorial: Pearson

Lenguaje: Inlges

ISBN13: 9781408296196

Reseña: Combining contemporary cultural and educational topics with a wide range of digital online ( MyEnglishLab) and print material Choices gives teachers the power to adapt to their classrooms while the authentic BBC video clips keep interest levels high and boredom factors low! Highly respected authors of bestselling Opportunities New Opportunities Challenges and New Challenges Michael Harris and Anna Sikorzynska Strong strand of choice throughout the course which motivates and is a crucial element of life-long learning skills important in the 21st century as technology and jobs change rapidly Authentic Video BBC and Channel 4 clips (eg Jamie Oliver) Your Choice - students choose between different topics to discuss and write about DVD Choice - an optional section with authentic video material with comprehension questions. These are mainly oral skills lessons extending the lesson topic Listen or Watch - the target functional language is presented through dialogues which can be watched or listened to Learning Links - references to extra activities. Students are directed to culture input (Culture Choice) and extra revision practice and self-assessment (in the MyEnglishLab) Online Skills - in the workbook. Information-handling skills and critical thinking MyEnglishLab online learning where teachers can grade and monitor


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